Thursday, June 13, 2013

INSANITY Day 21 - Core Cardio and Balance

This is my first Insanity workout for over 2 weeks. I was out of town for 8 days and I have been sick (again!) since I got back. While I didn't formally work out during that time, there were two days when my family and I did a lot of hiking, so I figure there was at least some exertion. I also thought I got rid of the cold, but seemed like it was lying in wait until I got back in Toronto to really sock it to me. I have a dry hacking cough and sometimes feel like I can't breathe. I figured working out this morning would get my juices going to I could cough up this frog in my throat. It kind of worked, but I still hacked my way through the day at work. I only did the Recovery Week workout today (first time, it was pretty good) because I didn't think I could do the workout with the abs routine added at the end. I will try that tomorrow!

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