Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 22

Man! What a busy day, I am just now getting online to blog.

Started recovery week this AM, it took me a second to realize that 3 weeks have already gone by and I was not doing my regular routine.

Yoga was good, still tough in parts (Twisting Half Moon, anyone?) but I feel good about my progress.

I can actually feel fairly impressive muscles in my arms and definition is improving. Yay!

I used my new yoga mat for the first time today. Until now, I was using a dense foam sleeping mat that I used when I was a Scout leader. It worked OK but didn't give me the traction I needed for downward dogs without re-adjusting my hands every 5-10 seconds. I also picked up a heartrate monitor and a chin-up bar. No, I didn't win the lottery, just got the stuff on sale!

I still need to add to my meagre dumbbell collection. Does anyone have any advice re: Bowflex Select-tech dumbbells? I tried Powerblocks in a fitness store but they seemed bulky and the handles were small for my hands. I hope the Select-tech ones are better. I would buy a set of dumbbells but they would take up a lot of space that my rec room/gym does not have.

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