Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 26

Cardio today, fighting a cold with lungs of fury (as opposed to fists of fury), so that was fun. Pushing through it, as always.

I am feeling trepidation at the impending Day 30 weigh-in and photos. I thought I was doing really well, but I went off nutrition plan a couple days this week and I am feeling it. One thing about not checking weight and body fat numbers before 30 days is I don't know how I am doing. Sure my clothes fit better, but my waistline isn't changing. I feel like I have hit a plateau; maybe that is normal, considering the P90X program has three phases to counteract such an event. I guess by not obsessively measuring myself, I keep myself honest and don't slack off if I have already reached or are really close to my goals.

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